Faith Bible Answers For Living Life To The Fullest

Why Would Someone Trash Talk Kenneth Copeland?

If you were to name Christian minister that gets attacked by other Christians (or religious folk) more than any other in our generation, more than likely among Americans, brother Kenneth Copeland’s name would come up (more on Kenneth here).  When you ask the critic what exactly is wrong with that person, they typically do not know.  They generally just parrot something someone else has said (we know because we have done that as well)  They may just say, oh they are a ‘prosperity preacher’ or they preach the ‘prosperity Gospel’. Is there something wrong with succeeding financially, being healthy, and being a blessing to others? What other Gospel is there? Why do some preach a ‘poverty Gospel’?  Obviously prosperity is God’s will as we see with Abraham, David, Joseph, Daniel…everyone who goes after God in the Bible does well. The people who attack a minister or ministry for preaching that God is good, and that the enemy is bad are…. likely infected.  They are infected with a teaching called the Dark Ages Mentality

What About Kenneth?

In the case of Kenneth Copeland, most people do not really have an exact ‘heresy’ that they can name in order to trash Copeland.  Sure, he probably has his issues no doubt (you can probably find something on any minister when you micro-analyze others. There is trouble when someone starts denying God or the saving grace of Jesus’ resurrection for example). Kenneth is a Bible guy so if it isn’t in the Bible, he would not push it.  He’s been around for more than 80 years and is apparently still preaching. Some refer to the ministers he fellowships with as Word of Faith. They say they take the Bible literally and have nothing else above God’s Word. However, like with any group, there have probably been some issues with people (ministry leaders as well as church members no doubt).

Some of the ‘religious police’ comb through his (as well as other ministries) content looking for something to ‘get’ them on. Sounds a bit like Mark 12:13. In the case of Copeland, a common critique is someone heard Kenneth preaching that “faith is a force”.  They try to read in extra deep dark themes. However, they neglect to see in Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of what we can’t see.  Faith is good expectation.  The opposite of faith is fear; fear is bad expectation.  Keeping your personal faith strong is an essential part of being a strong Christian.  Jesus people (AKA Christians) need to keep their faith up.  In fact, Hebrews 11:6 says that if you do not have faith, you will NOT please God. That is a very conclusive comment from God.

What is the point? 

If someone you do not know tells you that someone you do know (a famous minister for example) is a false teacher, look for yourself. What are they saying and what are they doing? Are people coming to Jesus through that minister or ministry? Are they preaching the Word or preaching something contrary to the Bible?  Is there spiritual fruit? Also, look at the fruit of who is telling you.  See if what they are teaching is in line with the Word of God as well.  If someone teaches something contrary to the Word of God (the Bible), then they are a false teacher and should be avoided.  You do not want to be deceived by associating with them. The Bible describes them as spiritual wolves (Matthew 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1) who are trying to break up the Body of Christ (the Church).

Not Following People, But Following People Who Follow Jesus Fervently

If someone teaches something against God, you may occasionally need to call it out.  Such as John MacArthur’s concerning attacks on Spirit-filled Christians (Jesus people).  In this case people should not criticize what you have not experienced. John organized a conference to attack other believers who flow in the gifts of the Spirit (for some reason cultural Christians have a hard time with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit).  Who would want to go to a negative event to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit to hear people criticize something they never experienced? Worse yet, who would want to organize an event against God, the Holy Spirit and answer to Him on why you blocked His moves at judgment?

Overall, the self-appointed, ‘religious’ police tend to attack and criticize any ministry that encourages people to believe God for signs and wonders.  Not always the same attackers, but definitely the same spirit as similar things have happened with Kenneth Hagin, Jerry Savelle , AA Allen , Jack Hayford, Oral Roberts, and frankly even our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus showed us all how to bring God’s Kingdom to this earth through miraculous power today (Acts 10:38).  The absolute most important thing to gauge with any ministry or church is whether or not they are bringing people to Jesus. The next question is, “Are we teaching people how to walk in faith and victory?”

In 1 Corinthians 4:20, the Word tells us that being a Jesus person is more than just teaching and words. The Gospel tells us the Kingdom of God on this earth is about words and power.  That power is miracles, signs and wonders. Believe God for great things to happen in your life, and watch what happens.  Hallelujah!

Next time you hear someone trash talking another believer, turn that negative into a positive. Talk about Jesus and how He has changed your life. Get them talking about something good in their lives. After all, we are here to edify and build up the people around us.

Do you know Jesus?

Do you have God’s power in your daily life?

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