Faith Bible Answers For Living Life To The Fullest

How Are Christians Who Vote For Child Abortion Political Candidates Judged?

With upcoming elections, Christians are challenged to make a careful selection of whom they put in political authority. We don’t have kings and queens in most countries anymore, but some politicians can act like it. Voting decisions are not to be taken lightly as they can make the difference between living peacefully (Romans 12:18) in our home nation or being persecuted for sharing Jesus.

Who Christians elect as mayors, police chiefs, governors, senators, attorneys, and other sources of political power not only affects Christians, but determines the direction of society as a whole. That is why 1 Timothy tells us to pray for the political rulers of our land. Not every country has a full visibility regarding children that the United States has on the issue of pregnant women terminating their pregnancy and aborting the child in their womb. What are committed Christians to do?

Can Christians Support Pro-abortion candidates?

Of course, Christians can support any candidate they like. But we must remember how important their vote really is. The leadership of a nation is usually a reflection of the people. A nation of disingenuous and distrusting political leaders is likely a nation of liars and cheats. A nation of promise-keeping, people loving leadership was likely put in office by a bright citizenship. We must be praying for our leadership and voting in leaders that are not anti-Kingdom, anti-God Almighty.

The Bible talks a lot about the killing of children We are told in Psalm 127:3 that children are a heritage from the Lord. You are entrusted with kids. God talking about children references are are all over the Bible (Leviticus 19:11, Deuteronomy 12:31, Ezekiel 16:20,21, Leviticus 20:1-5, Jeremiah 7:31, Psalm 106:37,38, Jeremiah 32:35, 2 Kings 23:10, Deuteronomy 18:10, 2 Kings 21:2-6, 2 Kings 17:17,18, Jeremiah 7:30-34, 2 Kings 16:3, Jeremiah 19:5, 2 Kings 16:3, Leviticus 20:2, and many others).

Just a quick scan through the Bible, you will find that kids are a blessing from God. They are our future. Great kids have been raised by great parents. Nasty, naughty kids have likely been ignored or overlooked by their parents or families. Pagans killed their kids as sacrifices to demons (idols of various ‘gods’). Child sacrifice has been around for thousands of years. It continues to this day. Child sacrifice continues to this day. It is called abortion. People sacrificing their children for the sake of convenience (it’s not time to have a baby right now, for example).

It’s On You

Adults who kill children are judged harshly by God. Supporting abortion candidate and politicians brings that innocent blood on the supporters before God. Those who kill (abort) children, or support the abortion have the blood of those murdered children on their hands. Those who have voted and supported parties that push this agenda are guilty.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Lord shows His love for the innocent children. The blood of those parents or people who sacrificed their children to false gods had the blood of guilt those innocents on their heads. Killing kids is not acceptable to God. In fact, when the clueless friends of Jesus tried to block the children from coming to Him public, he scolded them in from of all the people (Matthew 19:14).

If you support politicians or candidates that support the killing of babies (in or out of the womb) or children, regardless or race, political party, or region, what they do is on you as well as you put them in power and supported their deeds.

Christian, pray-fully consider who you vote for! You don’t want the blood of the children on your heads or hands. Candidates may not be ideal, they may not even be Christian believers, but those who are against God will lead the nation in a wrong direction, just as we multiple times by the leadership of Israel in the Bible.

Pray for your nation. Pray for godly leaders to be in leadership of your government. Avoid supporting those who kill children or the helpless. Abortion is murder. Do not be in league with murders. In fact, Jeremiah 22:3 says do not shed innocent blood.

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