Is Your Religion Bigger Than Sickness And Disease?
Once you’ve discovered that Jesus died on your behalf and rose from the dead to give you eternal life that’s one thing to shout about. For the Christian, that’s just the beginning.
Is It Man’s Thing Or God’s Thing?
Religion is mans attempt to get to God. Jesus Christ is God coming to man. Religion has their ceremonies, their songs, their religious services, their traditions. Religious Christians can have the same. If your relationship with God is only about doing things it’s not a relationship. There is power in a relationship with God. He is light.
In addition to salvation of our souls from eternal death to eternal life, 1 Peter 2:24 says Jesus took all of our sicknesses and pains on the cross. The prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 53:3-5 tells us the Messiah will come to take all our sickness and disease.
Tradition or Power?
If your religion is a package of traditions; it’s time to think. Where’s the power? If God is involved in your life, where is the power to live life long, strong, and prosperous? If there is no power, maybe it’s time to ditch the motions that don’t bring results and really go after God.
It’s not about how many services you attend. It’s not about how much you read or the degree you have behind your name. It’s about God working in your life.
No Reason To Get Sick
Jesus Christ took all sickness and disease on the cross. You don’t ever need to be sick again! Healing and health are yours but you must claim it and keep it by faith. Faith is our connection to Gods power. When we lay hands on the sick, we pray in faith and know they recover because it’s confined in James 5:14,15.
Tired of being sick? Time to look at your religion. If you aren’t living strong, it’s not Gods responsibility, it 100% yours. You have to take the first steps and keep walking by faith (2 Corinthians 5:17). If your draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). Sickness and disease will come (Find our where it comes from here ). But as long as this world is out of the control of God (that’s why we pray), you’re going to have to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). The good news is it’s a good fight for a reason, when you live daily in your relationship with God, you win! If your religion isn’t helping you win, then it’s time to get a real relationship with God. Psalm 91: 16 says it’s a long and satisfied life.
Do you have God’s power in your daily life?
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