Is Cessationism Biblical? What Does God Think?
Cessationism is a word that you may hear that sounds complicated as you will only hear it from religious people. It is word attempting to explain supernatural things away. It is word made to describe a lack of power in religious people’s lives. In fact, cessationism is the un-biblical view that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit ‘ceased’ with the passing of those who were around Jesus Christ after His accession. It can be simplified as ‘ceasing’ and is a view mostly held by religious Christians and wholly rejected by Spirit-filled Christians.
The preachers of this false doctrine say that miraculous power ended with the passing of the Lord Jesus Christ’s friends (disciples, later referred to as apostles). And of course those who preach this powerless Gospel quote verses out of context and try to convince others to jump into their pool of unbelief and religious tradition. If the power gifts (signs and wonders) have truly ceased, that brings up TWO important questions. If the gifts of the Holy Spirit ended with the Lord Jesus Christ’s inner circle of friends then;
- Why does Jesus Christ teach so much about power, authority and miracles? In Matthew 28:18, the Lord tells us that all authority has been given to us, so we can preach the Gospel. The Lord healed the sick, fed the thousands, cleansed the leaper, walked on water, raised the dead, and did countless other miracles. Before His Ascension He says in John 14:12 that we will do greater works than He has done. In fact there are many examples of believers performing miracles in the Bible due to their faith (Acts 2;22, Mark 16:20. Acts 14:3, Hebrews 2:4, Acts 2:43, Acts 5:12, Acts 15:12, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Romans 15:19, Romans 15:18-19, Acts 4:30, Acts 4:16, Acts 6:8, Acts 8:6, Acts 8:13, Mark 16:17, 1 Corinthians 14:22 and much more). There is no where in the Bible that says that signs and wonders have ceased (miracles)
- Why are miracles happening with faith-filled believers today? If signs and wonders have ceased, if there are no more miracles.. why do they keep on happening through Jesus people (Christians) that believe? There are millions of believers who have seen miracles in their lives long past the passing of the disciples of Jesus. Why? We are all the disciples of Jesus! In fact, there are many famous preachers and teachers who have walked in the miraculous. Oral Roberts, AA Allen, Jerry Savelle, Benny Hinn, Jack Hayford, Todd White, Spencer Patrick and thousands of other recorded testimonies.
In our generation, many talk of Smith Wigglesworth. A once illiterate plumber from from England who got saved and eventually became a world traveling preacher of the Gospel. Thousands were healed from Sweden to Australia and America. Not only were people healed but at least 5 people were raised from the dead but faith and the power of the Mighty Name of Jesus.
Let us confront the problem. Like the Dark Ages Mentality (DAM), cessationism is a way for people who are not experiencing the supernatural life God promised them to justify their situation. Like DAM, cessationism allows people to run from their commission as a disciple of Jesus and blame God for no results in their lives. We must all remember that without faith (Hebrews 11:6) it is impossible to please God. Strong faith moves the spiritual mountains in our lives (Mark 11:22-25), that is why the Lord tells us to have faith in God, not ourselves… Mark 11:22 can literally be taken as ‘have the God kind of faith’. Miracles glorify God, draw people to salvation in Jesus and demonstrate to the world that He is with us. God is alive and working in the lives of those who believe.
Do you have God’s power in your daily life?
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